Reconnect, Rewild, Rejuvenate
I create space and time for you to reconnect with your inner wild and the natural world.
In my classes, I blend traditional yoga practices with somatic movements and Celtic wisdom to connect to the land and the natural world. It's a path to wellness that speaks to mind, body, heart and spirit.
The Approach
We draw awareness into the body and out to the natural world in each practice. I guide you to embrace the rhythms of the seasons, the energy cycle of the moon and sense the vast cosmos beyond. This shift in perspective clears the mind's clutter. It calms the nervous system, releases tension, and enhances vitality.
Whether you're new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, you'll find something here to nourish your soul and inspire your journey of the inner wild.
Yoga Rewild Classes
Tuesday Tree to Tree Yoga - 11.45am
This class takes place outside in all weather. We start in the park and move to explore the trails of nearby woodland. A mix of jogging, somatic movements, exercises, and yoga poses with and amongst the trees. Meet at St George Community Centre.
No mat required – just wear suitable clothing (trainers and weather-appropriate gear).Class duration 60 mins
A fantastic way to immerse and experience the seasonal changes of nature and boost your midweek energy.
Thursday Reset and Revive - 10am
From my home to yours.
Join me online for Reset and Revive, a Yoga Rewild class to release tension, create space, and re-energise. I teach live via Zoom every Thursday, 10-11am.
Can't make the live class? I can send you the recording.
Class duration 60 mins
A creative, reviving practice accessible for all with chair yoga options available.
Friday Flow - 11.45am
We practice outside when the weather permits and inside at the St George Community Centre the rest of the time. Whereever we are, we stay connected to nature.
I’ve designed this dynamic flow class to warm your body, calm your mind, and uplift your spirit. It’s inspired by the Californian style Vinyasa and weaves in Celtic wisdom.
Class duration 60 mins
This core activating practice is a releasing, strength building and a rejuvenating way to kick start your weekend.
Sunday Yoga & Movement - 10am or 6pm
This class is the perfect Sunday activity and suitable for all levels. We stretch and open the body to release tension and reconnect. We explore space and play with balance. Then, we descend into relaxation.
This class is indoors at St George Community Centre overlooking trees and we practice outside in the park during the summer.Class duration 60 mins
A replenishing way to round off the week and prepare for whatever is coming next.
Class Pricing and Offers
Drop in Classes
First Yoga Rewild Class
5 Class Pass
Monthly Pass
Share a Class with a Friend
Flexible Pricing Options Available

Seasonal Events
I offer special yoga journeys, ceremonies, retreats and workshops throughout the year.
These events attune to the shifting seasonal energies, the spirits of the natural world and the Celtic wisdom of the land. They provide a deeper immersion into the Yoga Rewild philosophy.
Experience yoga, nature connection, and Celtic-inspired mindfulness practices. It's a powerful way to mark the turning of the year and deepen your practice.
Join Our Yoga
Rewild Community
I've created Yoga Rewild for everyone. Are you taking your first steps on your yoga journey? Looking to deepen your practice? Seeking a supportive community that shares your values of wellness and environmental stewardship? You'll find a home here.
I invite you to join me on the mat, in the park, or online. Let's reconnect with nature, rediscover our wild selves, and cultivate harmony in our lives together.